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30 Mayıs 2014 15:02



A.Metin Uracin

2014 May’30. Friday

Fair Trial and Defence of Defence meeting was jointly organized by Danish National Association of Defence Lawyers and the Foreign Relations Center of Istanbul Bar Association on Friday, May 30, 2014

A delegation of 17 attorneys-at-law headed by Mr. Henrik Stagetorn (President of Danish National Association of Defence Lawyers), Anders Boelskifte and Sysette Vinding Kruse (President of Danish National Association of Defence Lawyers Copenhagen Branch)  and Merethe Stagetorn (Supreme Court Representative of Danish National Association of Defence Lawyers)  paid a visit to Istanbul Justice Palace and Istanbul Bar Association. The delegation was welcomed by the Chair of Foreign Relations Center of Istanbul Bar Association, Atty. A. Metin Uracin.  The joint meeting on “Comparartive Analysis of Fair Trial and Defence of Defence in Denmark and Turkey” was held at 16.00 on May 30, 2014.

Interventions were made by Stagehorn, Boelskifte and a Member of Foreign Relations Center Atty. Binnur Tanrıverdi during the session moderated by Uracin.

In the op-ed session following Asser Gregersen’s (Danish National Association of Defence Lawyers) intervention on “Recent Danish Cases”Atty. Sami Akdağ, Member of the Supervisory Board of Istanbul Bar Association, shared his experience about defence of defence in Turkey through examples. 

The Q&A Session provided the ground for a discussion on “Fair Trial and Defence of Defence in the shade of Draft Attorneyship Law” with the contributions of Georg Lett, Hanne Reuert, Nina Lassen, Henriu Perregard and Elisa Boelskifte, who reflected on the issue in the Danish context.   

The meeting was attended by Atty. Esra Özeren Paray, Atty. Ahmet Argun, Atty. Ceylan Irmak Beşiroğlu, Trainee Lawyer Bahar Seyhan, Trainee Lawyers Ceylan Dilşad Özdemir, Atty. Meral Özkaya from the Foreign Relations Center of Istanbul Bar Association as well as Atty. Sami Akdağ, member of the Supervisory Board of Istanbul Bar Association. 


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